Why It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done

It always seems impossible until it is done” is a famous quote by Nelson Mandela. To all of us who try to do things outside our comfort zone, or try to change the world (or, in a more limited manner, some organizational entity), it sounds very true. And always related to the tough ancillary question: if it does not happen yet, should be persevere?

impossibleThe fact is that in complex systems (our world), change will be sudden and what looked like an abysmal failure or a mediocre endeavor one day might become a sudden success overnight. At the same time it is difficult when we are in the midst of action to realize what is the amount of progress we might be making.

A significant level of perseverance is always needed to cross the stage where it seems that progress is very little until we reach effective change. And we are always surprised as how change can be sudden and widespread when it occurs. It takes a lot of background work in a lot of areas to effectively create change.

What is important is to have and to kindle the vision of what we want to achieve. If it’s ambitious it will look impossible. Just go and do it! It will be long, and it will eventually happen.
