This interesting post ‘Deepfakes Are Becoming the Hot New Corporate Training Tool‘ shows how deepfakes start to become commonplace including as a corporate tool. In this example, it is used to allow simultaneous communication of a corporate messages in many different languages and cultures.
“This month, advertising giant WPP will send unusual corporate training videos to tens of thousands of employees worldwide. A presenter will speak in the recipient’s language and address them by name, while explaining some basic concepts in artificial intelligence. The videos themselves will be powerful demonstrations of what AI can do: The face, and the words it speaks, will be synthesized by software.”
Virtual presenters are used in this case, which are becoming increasingly frequent (refer for example to our posts ‘How Virtual Creatures Invade Our Connections and our World‘ and ‘How We Will Increasingly Interact With Artificial Humans‘). In this case, “the ability to personalize and localize video to many individuals makes for more compelling footage than the usual corporate fare“; and it is also cheaper and easier than mobilizing actual actors (another trade that is due for automation it seems!).
I have personally already used virtual voice-overs; using virtual people in videos is just another step and it is just around the corner. We need to get ready to face increasingly virtual interactions with people we will struggle to decide if real or virtual.