Going through a special training I have discovered how to self-induce trance states at will. It then takes some practice to anchor the possibility, but the capability is amazingly acquired quickly. I really did not believe at first I would be capable of obtaining this state (being a highly cognitive and controlling individual), and even less so that I would be able to induce it at will after only a few hours.
In previous posts I have described the state of trance and how it happens around us more frequently than we think. Still, it is usually quite a rare occurrence often associated with situations of emergency or only attainted by practitioners of certain disciplines after considerable amount of practice (e.g. through meditation).
The training was given out by Corine Sombrun, a quite exceptional woman with an incredible destiny (more about her in future posts). She has designed this protocol for teaching how to obtain trance states at will and is currently building up a cohort of psychologists and researchers to participate in scientific experiments around that altered state of consciousness. Because of the way trance is induced, it is called ‘cognitive trance’. The amazing part is that her success factor in getting people to induce trance and then to learn to induce it at will after only 2 days of training is close to 100%!
This shows that trance is not a weird state reserved for exceptions, but that it is an underlying consciousness state that we can all attain if we follow the proper protocol (and without any legal or illegal substance involved). While the benefits of the practice are currently under investigation, the simple fact that it is attainable by all makes it an incredibly interesting field of investigation.
In a series of post I will describe a personal journey into an altered state of consciousness – cognitive trance – that I was privileged to undertake this year. Previous posts in this series: