Following up on the previous post ‘How Apnea Diving Leads to a Form of Trance‘ as well as our series on trance (see ‘What Does Trance Feel Like?‘ which contains reference to the series of posts on this subject), a leading French apneist provides an interesting visualization of the kind of visions he experiences in a short film ‘Narcose’ (narcosis).

Those visions give an idea of what some people may experience in certain trance states. Those visions are always very personal and not all trances lead to visions. However it is a short insight into this type of experience that is interestingly shared in this film. The director, the wife of the professional apneist, is also a practitioner of that sport, which may have helped produce a film closer to the experience.
Here is the Youtube link to watch the film:
Hat-tip to Laurent Coulon for the discussion on apnea diving and trance.