I love this blog post by Seth Godin ‘The next big idea‘ that reminds us that it does not need to be new not have no competition.
“There are two confusions. The first is that the next big idea must be fully original. The second is that it have no competition. This is almost never the case.”
It is true that many thriving enterprises have just reinvented a small part of a business model, or have built on existing industrial practices just changing one parameter. At the end of the day it depends on the client: “The future of all of these types of organizations isn’t based on a lack of customer choice. It’s based on customer traction.”
Seth Goding reminds us that “The hard part is showing up to lead.”, leading through to get perfect execution in the market that is being addressed.
Looking for an idea to create your company? Don’t necessarily look for original or to create a new market: that’s often too hard. Just execute better than others and get customers to love what you are doing.