Reactions from the readers of the last blog post: so, to get creative and open minded, one just needs to have positive emotions. But my emotional state is what it is, what can I do about it?
Well if you have read the book you know the answer – but never mind let’s reveal here one of the most important secrets.
We all know that emotions have effect on our body posture, our tone of voice… The secret is that the reverse is true. Our posture, our movements, our actions, influence our emotions.
You don’t believe it?
For yourself to smile in front of your computer.
Don’t bother, nobody is looking. Just force yourself to smile.
Hold the smile for 30 seconds no less.
How do you feel now? My guess is: happier, more positive, right?

The ultimate is to practice a healthy daily dose of laughter like these laughing clubs in India meeting every morning to start the day in the most positive manner. Try it. Force yourself to laugh. You’ll see how positive you’ll get.
So, next time you feel down, consciously change your posture, force yourself to smile, laugh even. Your positive mood will be back. And with it your open, creative mind.
Smile again. Hold the smile. You’re part of the Fourth Revolution. You are practicing the holistic practice, involving body and mind. You see, it’s that simple.