First Revolution: the revolution created by the invention of speech, 100,000 to 50,000 years ago. It led into the Hunter-Gatherer Age.
Second Revolution: the revolution created by the invention of writing, 8,000 to 5,000 years ago. It led to the Agricultural Age.
Third Revolution: the revolution created by the invention of broadcasting, around 1450 (invention of the mobile font printing). It led into the Industrial Age. It is also mistakenly called Industrial Revolution but in fact ignited earlier.
Fourth Revolution: the new humankind Revolution which has just ignited. It is due to unprecedented long distance interactive communication, which enhances humankind collective cognitive capability.
Collaborative Age: the new Age which appears beyond the Fourth Revolution and will succeed the Industrial Age.
K.E.E.N.: Knowledge Exchanging Enhancing Networker. The new typical value producer of the Collaborative Age. “E” can also cover Experimenting, Exploring.