The art of overcoming the lizard: make U-turn impossible for some time!

There is only one way to tame the lizard when doing a significant transition out of your comfort zone: make sure you can’t U-turn too soon!

No U turn on the bridge
U-turn forbidden once on the bridge!

In my previous post on the 10 useful learning points from preparing for my company launch, the first 4 points were basically about taming the lizard, the basic fear of the unknown.

In my case I have observed how the lizard was powerful, creating moments of very intense anxiety even if my situation moving forward was pretty secure seen from an external, rational viewpoint. Leaving habits, a sense of institutional security, a life I got used to manage quite easily, is a lot to bear for the lizard who seeks to protect us constantly.

Once I had taken the decision, I was pretty hasty in throwing in my resignation from my corporate job, a bit too hasty for some people. Yet it was necessary for me. After having put in my letter, I was on bridge to my new life. And U-turn was not possible, at least just now. It might still be somewhere along the way when I’ll have ventured on the the other side for some time, but for now I could just go onward, straight to the other side.

Sometimes it is necessary to make sure we can’t U-turn for some time. For the sake of overcoming the lizard. Plan for it if you intend to change significantly your life.
