How it is Important to Always Sow Seeds Rather Than Seek to Reap

I like this beautiful quote by Robert Louis Stevenson: “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”

It is too true that we often focus on the result, on the outcome but sometimes forget that what is important is to sow the seeds continuously. Now some of these seeds will grow and fructify, and some (many) will not. Nevertheless as it is always difficult to know which ones will grow, it is better to sow more than we would strictly need.

I find this sentence to be particularly applicable in the field of creativity and entrepreneurship. It is important to continuously sow some seeds. Some will unexpectedly grow beyond our expectations. In any case we will have created avenues of growth for the world and brought a contribution to other people.

Let’s sow more. And we’ll reap more eventually… but that is not what is the most important.
