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Welcome to the Fourth Revolution Manifesto



Fourth Revolution Manifesto part VIII


Part VIII of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto - the final part - Your choice. And why YOU are important for the Fourth Revolution - is here - or by clicking on the image on the right.


You can also read it on Scribd which has a great viewer -also as a backup if you can't access the file through the link above - The Fourth Revolution Manifesto part VIII on Scribd.





The Fourth Revolution manifesto is now FULLY released.

Because of the amount of information and to make it more readable,it is split into 8 parts.


Note to readers



Fourth Revolution Manifesto part I


Part I of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto - a short history of humankind - 100,000 years in 3 Revolutions is here - or by clicking on the image on the right.


You can also read it on Scribd which has a great viewer -also as a backup if you can't access the file through the link above - The Fourth Revolution Manifesto part 1 on Scribd.





Fourth Revolution Manifesto part II


Part II of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto - Cheap, long distance interactive commnication is NEW - is here - or by clicking on the image on the right.


You can also read it on Scribd which has a great viewer -also as a backup if you can't access the file through the link above - The Fourth Revolution Manifesto part II on Scribd.




Fourth Revolution Manifesto part III


Part III of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto - How the collective cognitive capability is again transformed is here - or by clicking on the image on the right.


You can also read it on Scribd which has a great viewer -also as a backup if you can't access the file through the link above - The Fourth Revolution Manifesto part III on Scribd.




Fourth Revolution Manifesto part IV


Part IV of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto - Four precursors of the Fourth Revolution - is here - or by clicking on the image on the right.


You can also read it on Scribd which has a great viewer -also as a backup if you can't access the file through the link above - The Fourth Revolution Manifesto part IV on Scribd.




Fourth Revolution Manifesto part V


Part V of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto - the Organization Revolution is here - or by clicking on the image on the right.


You can also read it on Scribd which has a great viewer -also as a backup if you can't access the file through the link above - The Fourth Revolution Manifesto part V on Scribd.




Fourth Revolution Manifesto part VI


Part VI of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto - Four institutions that will be deeply transformed - is here - or by clicking on the image on the right.


You can also read it on Scribd which has a great viewer -also as a backup if you can't access the file through the link above - The Fourth Revolution Manifesto part VI on Scribd.





Fourth Revolution Manifesto part I


Part VII of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto - Four keys to success in the Collaborative Age is here - or by clicking on the image on the right.


You can also read it on Scribd which has a great viewer -also as a backup if you can't access the file through the link above - The Fourth Revolution Manifesto part 7 on Scribd.





Fourth Revolution Manifesto part VIII


Part VIII of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto - the final part - Your choice. And why YOU are important for the Fourth Revolution - is here - or by clicking on the image on the right.


You can also read it on Scribd which has a great viewer -also as a backup if you can't access the file through the link above - The Fourth Revolution Manifesto part VIII on Scribd.