How Eric Schmidt (Google) was almost right, but not quite

“Every day we produce as much content as was produced by all of mankind for the 20,000 years before 2003” [Eric Schmidt, former CEO, Google] (quote from Seth Godin’s book ‘we are all weird‘)

Actually this quote is wrong. This content is not only produced. It is published. And that’s what makes the difference.

Think about it.

Think about that incredible amount of information at our fingerprints.

And think about how easy it is today to access and find any kind of information from anywhere in the world.

Latest stats from Facebook: more than 250 million photos uploaded every day, 800 million users, half of which connect every day. Twitter: 300 million tweets are sent every single day. There are millions of blogs. 135 million professionals on LinkedIn.

“Every day we produce as much content as was published by all of mankind for the 20,000 years before 2003″ 

And you’re still not a believer of the Fourth Revolution?
