My company is now live, I am in the cockpit, ready to take off!

If you have followed this blog you’ll know that in the past few months I have been busy setting up a consulting company in Singapore in the field of large, complex projects , called Project Value Delivery. And I now have left the corporate world! At first I am the only employee and I certainly hope that more people will be able to join before the end of 2012.

ready on the runway
ready on the runway

That’s it! My last day in the corporate world is now past, as of end of January. I am standing at the beginning of the runway, in the cockpit of the plane. The last few months have been about engineering the company to have enough thrust and lift to take off before the end of the runway! Now comes the fateful moment where I will start the take-off run!

I feel both excited and anxious. I am excited to be free, and anxious to be free.

Luckily I have bagged a first contract so that the first few months are secured, at least as a freelancer. All the challenge is to continue to develop products and  processes to be able to hire more people and become a real company.

It’s the beginning of a story. Like an airliner at the start of a runway, it takes the effort of running down the 2 or 3km of runway and after, once take-off is behind us, no more obstacle impedes to fly in any direction we want.

Let’s go… push the throttle!

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