The Motivation Revolution: how to move from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation

I loved reading the book “Drive” by Daniel Pink. Daniel Pink "Drive"We already referred to it a few months ago in the post “what motivates the K.E.E.N.“.

Daniel Pink uses a framework for the evolution of motivation in history that is similar to the ‘fundamental revolutions’ familiar to the readers of this blog:

  • Motivation 1.0 – 50,000 years ago – survival
  • Motivation 2.0 – extrinsic motivators: seek reward and avoid punishment (which lead to put some barriers for social life (don’t steal your neighbor’s wife), etc).
  • Motivation 2.1 – empowerment in organizations, greater autonomy
  • Motivation 3.0 – intrinsic motivators: autonomy, mastery, purpose. (the drivers of the Collaborative Age)

It is a real revolution to switch from extrinsic to intrinsic motivators. Yet as our live example of the Collaborative Age organization shows, in these organizations, only intrinsic motivation is at work.

How can we change our extrinsic motivation mindset? No, above a certain level, people won’t stay because you pay them more to do the same boring job. They need to find purpose and fulfillment. How can you give it to them? Only by allowing initiative, failure and releasing control. That will be the secret of success of the Collaborative Age organization. Are you ready for it?

(And for those that have not seen the RSA animation drawn from the book, here it is – and if you’ve seen it, watch it again because it is so fundamental:)

