Done is better than perfect: how well done is done then?

Don’t wait until your product is perfect to push the button or you’ll never progress by getting the right feedback.  Yet how finished, polished, perfect should be your product before you shoot it to the world? What is actually a ‘minimum viable product’ to follow the words of the Lean Startup Movement?

Push button
Are you ready to push the button even if not "perfect"?

There is a little bit of debate on this issue. Is it just a functional product even if it does not look nice? Well, if it’s not attractive and nobody tries it, you’d better add some good presentation.

Is it a product for CEOs? Make sure it looks professional enough.

Is it a nice-looking product that does only part of the work? Here again it depends who you send it to, and what they would expect.

‘Done is better than perfect’ is written on the Facebook walls. It is the motto of the hackers. It’s true. But your product should have at least some of the functionality and look as your prospective clients will expect. Don’t wait forever for the perfect, but make sure what is done works for what you expect it to do. Maybe you should start by analyzing what are the minimum functionality you are aiming for your audience and stick to that as a priority.

In summary, don’t seek to be perfect. Just do the right thing – and just the right thing. And shoot to the world.

Cool. When do you start?

