Do you have enough quiet time with yourself?

Others inspire us, information feeds us, practice improves our performance, but we need quiet time to figure things out, to emerge with new discoveries, to unearth original answers” – Dr Ester Buchholz (from Garr Reynolds’s ‘Presentation Zen‘ (a great recommended book to improve presentation skills!))

Quiet time for oneselfAs modern life pushes us around, tries to keep us busy constantly, do we still have enough time to stop receiving all this information and figure things out?

In fact it is all about balance: we do need the contact with the others to receive other view points, open our minds, discover the world, know how other people have failed, sound solutions, what they have learned. And we also need to have some time to be with ourselves, let our creative mind reveal itself and create.

What should the ideal balance be like? Probably lots of interaction with the world and just making sure we keep enough time to be alone with ourselves.

Do preserve this precious time alone with yourselves. be it meditating, walking, looking through the window of the train… It’s worth it. It’s needed. For you. For your contribution to the world. Do it. Now.
