People are more engaged by things that are suggestive than by things that are crystal clear

I love this sentence, because it is so true: “People are more engaged by things that are suggestive than by things that are crystal clear” – David Sibbet in his book “Visual Meetings“.

Even with a few lines, our mind interprets the image into something clear. By this creative mechanism we are much more engaged with the picture!

This sentence expresses what I have felt for a while. And that’s why now, in situations where the aim to get people engaged like meetings and workshops, I aim to give only hints, feeble patterns, or outright metaphors but not so much direct description of the issue.

It engages us when we need to do the creative effort of filling in the picture. And by that process what we will produce will be better, and ours.

So next time when you want a group to engage, only suggest. Don’t explain too clearly! And let the participants engage around the mystery of creation!
