Escape from the ‘Talent’ illusion: do you have a “fixed” or a “growth” mindset?

I read a great book lately: “Mindset” by Carol Dweck. She is a renowned researcher in the field of motivation. She explains that there is a significant difference between achievers and others: it all depends whether you have a “fixed mindset” or a “growth mindset”.

Mindset, a book by Carol Dweck
Carol Dweck

“Fixed mindset” people consider that talent is innate and you can’t just change it. They tend to avoid any situation of failure and consider that their talent is limited by their endowment at birth. “Growth mindset” people on the contrary consider that intelligence and talent develop through hard work and that difficulties are challenges are just obstacles that need to be overcome.

This seems quite straightforward but the book is backed up by decades or research and stunning experiments about the consequence of one’s mindset. And people seem to have generally one or the other.

If you want to know if you have a growth or fixed mindset? Just take the simple mindset test on the book’s website.

Did you test positive to the “fixed mindset”? Read on, a new life will start for you soon! The great thing is, you can change your mindset from “fixed” to “growth”. Even short term! And also on the longer term with some practice. And that’s what happened to the author, by the way. All it takes is the realization – the mindset – that talent is not innate but the result of great work.

Still hesitant? Observe around you how the really talented people are the result of years or decades of work. Grow and learn. And you can also change the world!

Here’s again the link to the book on “Mindset” by Carol Dweck.
