Stop talking about ‘Crisis’, it’s in reality a Transformation!

I am really starting to get fed up with the usage of the word ‘crisis’ to describe what is currently happening. It looks as if I had always lived in the midst of a continuous economic ‘crisis’ since the early 1990’s with a few short exceptions.

Joblessness for youth is a constant of the ‘crisis’… since 30 years. The decline of manufacturing and middle class is also a ‘crisis’… since the 1980’s

economic crisis wordsNo, it’s not a ‘crisis’, it’s a transformation! It’s just the Fourth Revolution in action, changing our lives, our institutions, our economy, our world! Yes, there is a deep tsunami of changes in our environment, and our Industrial Age social and life model is now obsolete.

It’s only a crisis for those that want to remain where they were. It’s only a crisis for the settled. For many others, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity – in developing countries as well as for some in developed countries. New companies had appeared that have a presence in our daily lives which we could not even imagine ten years ago. They have been incredibly successful at the same time as the ‘crisis’.

Please, ban the word ‘crisis’ from your vocabulary. It’s a transformation, and it is time you surf on its wave.
