We’re Not Creators. We Are Transformers…

That statement in a post from Manal was a good reminder of so many considerations of creativity we have already developed in this blog.

creativity illustrated by reuse of Coca Cola cans
Creativity stems from transformation

Creativity does not mean making up something from scratch. It’s merely a transformation of the energy of an idea—that’s been there all along in the field of possibility. If you think you need to be creative, you don’t. You are a transformer of energy. Your existence—the way you are—is all the proof you need..”

I believe Manal only gets half the story there – at the same time, being a transformer also means reuse and transform the ideas of others, as so masterfully recalled by Austin Kleon.

In fact we probably need to consider both views to be complete on creativity. We need to be able to tweak and reuse what is around us; and at the same time infuse life through our energy in our creation – because without energy and dedication from our part, creation will not happen, or not be visible to the world. We need to be able to borrow and energize at the same time.

How good are you at reusing stuff in a creative manner? And how good are you at focusing your energy to create?

Hat tip to Manal and her so enjoyable posts, including the one containing this thought – The Field of Possibility.
