Why We Should Practice Silence as a Powerful Transformation Tool

Silence has got great power, sometimes greater than words. “Sometimes defined a deafening void, silence is an art. It comes with its own grammar: forging words that go with any sound or message is no trivial thing. Silence is a dynamic and ever changing force.” – writes Valeria Maltoni in an excellent post on this subject.

sound of silenceWe struggle to use the power of silence; on the contrary we tend to try to fill all our waking moments with noise and content. We try to fill our conversation with words. We feel uneasy with silence. It is as though we fear silence.

Yet in my experience, it is in the silent moments that shifts and transformation happen. It is in the silent moments that reflection comes to fruition. It is in the silent moments that I reflect on what has happened and that I find a sense to my actions and to my life. It is in common silent moments that my relationships with people deepens, and mutual understanding and empathy spread.

It is those silent moments we fear where we shift our understanding and relationships. Those we flee from. But we should, on the contrary, be grateful for them.

We must practice silence and pause. Not that we should transform our days into silent days. But we must know how to entertain the right moments of silence, those that are powerful to transform lives.

Try to practice the power of silence. It will transform your life.
