Why Finding Meaning in our Life Becomes Harder

As the complexity and unpredictability of our world increases significantly, and has even been accelerating in the past few years, it becomes more difficult to find our life’s meaning and purpose.

How can we find our way in an ever larger labyrinth?

One of the reasons is the multiplication of choices that are offered to us – like excessively lengthy restaurant menus, choice kills the choice. As our freedom increases, it is naturally more difficult to fix ourselves on a single purpose.

One other reason is the unpredictability and the occurrence of freak events that change significantly the world around us: how can we steer a straight course over years and decades in this context?

This all happens at the same time where personal development has never been so popular, requiring everyone to find passion and purpose in life and follow those. As a result, our general level of stress increases dramatically, leading inevitably to serious societal problems.

The solution might be not to find one’s purpose in absolute among an infinity of choices, but to find our purpose close to what we do on a daily basis, which restricts the field of search. I will elaborate on this key ideas in a few future posts.

Some references from previous blog posts: What we can learn from complex systems to understand today’s worldWhy, even in a Complex World, you Need to Head Towards your Purpose!
