How Entrepreneurship Highlights Strengths and Weaknesses

Based on my modest experience as entrepreneur since 4 years+, I increasingly find that entrepreneurship is extraordinarily revealing one’s strengths and weaknesses. In particular of course when business is tough.

a different image in the mirror!Of course, that might be the case for any activity in which you need to commit fully, where success is based on your efforts in a varied range of activities and where your livelihood depends on it immediately (that makes some difference with executive positions in large companies where there is more reaction time and livelihood is less directly dependent on one’s actions). But I haven’t found so many activities responding to these criteria apart from entrepreneurship!

I know for a long time that my weakness is getting along well in social environments and all business development activities. I’m rather shy and introvert, and not at ease in large social activities or cold-calling. Still I have to make the effort as my company’s future depends on it.

Entrepreneurship can thus be recommended as a great self-development activity, in that you are faced with your weaknesses with acute pain, and you need to make the effort to overcome them, going out of your comfort zone. You have to, there is no other choice (apart from going back to salaried employment).

It’s tough, and it feels some days like I’d like to throw the towel. It’s probably good, because I have to work on myself to compensate my weaknesses. It’s exhilarating, because the possibilities are endless.
