Artificial Intelligence is already reorganizing humans. The statement developed in this post ‘AI will reorganize the human population‘ by Silver Keskküla struck me. But “it is actually difficult to argue. Surely there are thousands of kids born to couples that found each other on internet dating sites and since often the matching algorithms on those sites are based on machine learning and artificial intelligence, then we effectively have AI involved in the matter of whose DNA gets mixed.”
And this is even when speaking only of “Weak AI” (“computational agents that exhibit problem solving abilities in restricted domains that we typically assume require intelligence“), not even of higher levels of artificial intelligence that we fear might maybe sometime try to overcome humankind.
Thinking about it, since our emotions are increasingly influenced by social networks, which are increasingly monitored and facilitated by Artifical Intelligence, AI does indeed progressively enter our lives, and even our intimate lives.
The rest of the post is a bit of an advert for the author’s new startup, but his idea to influence human migration by proposing easier comparison of different cities globally depending on one’s project is quite amazing.
In any case, let’s realize that AI is already influencing our lives probably more than we currently imagine, on a day-to-day basis.