Why It is Important to Take the Time for Real Work

At many companies the proportion [of responding to emails and other solicitations] hovers around 80%, leaving employees little time for all the critical work they must complete on their own” (HBR – Collaborative Overload). That is evidently consistent with daily observations in most organizations today (when it is not 100% of the time spent interacting, and the important work done on overtime). Yet value is created mainly when one does the real work – reflection, strategic planning and research. There is thus an interesting contradiction, which is mostly created by the bureaucratic effect (organizations creating work for themselves with low value for the client).

collaboration excess
Collaboration Excess?

Reserving certain space for doing the important creative work is an increasingly demanding challenge, in particular in international organizations where time differences add to the calendar strain, and with the interruptions from smartphones. Yet it is so essential to create that value that it is nowadays a strong differentiator in the workplace.

It has actually come to a point where so many people are just reacting to the influx of information and triggers that it is less difficult than before to make a difference by taking some time on some longer term projects and contributions. For example, as a consultant, not being involved in the daily grind of my clients’ organizations is a tremendous competitive advantage that allows me to create value much quicker and effectively than if I was an insider.

Multiply your effectiveness by reserving 20% of your time for an interruption-free focused work on important matters. It will increase significantly your impact and make the difference!
