Why Discovering Our Strengths is the Path to Success

Marcus Buckingham at Gallup has long affirmed that instead on focusing on our dreams, we should rather focus on our strengths. According to him, discovering our strengths is the shortest path to success.

Basically he says that rather than thinking we can be be whatever we want or hope to be, which ends up being vague and may send us down paths that are not ours, we should work on becoming our best.

While we can learn anything we put our mind to, each of us is wired to excel at some things. Discovering is one part of the process of finding our sweet spot. And if we become extremely good at something, we will certainly like it.

Are your dreams aligned with your strengths? I am not expecting a full alignment because it is always possible to develop skills slightly out of our comfort zone. Still, are your dreams quite aligned with your strengths?

