How Facebook Model is Addiction and Growth – and Why It Can’t Change

Famous blogger Om Malik‘s post ‘The #1 reason Facebook won’t ever change‘ is worth reading. It came at the beginning of Facebook’s crisis about the leakage of personal data. His point is that Facebook model is based on addiction, data gathering and sharing and it won’t change.

Om Malik describes the DNA of Facebook as “a social platform addicted to growth and engagement. At its very core, every policy, every decision, every strategy is based on growth (at any cost) and engagement (at any cost). More growth and more engagement means more data — which means the company can make more advertising dollars, which gives it a nosebleed valuation on the stock market, which in turn allows it to remain competitive and stay ahead of its rivals.”

Facebook is about making money by keeping us addicted to Facebook. It always has been — and that’s why all of our angst and headlines are not going to change a damn thing.” So, in spite of all the discussions and show times, Facebook model is not going to change. It will try to increase its addiction and lure all the users that still resist to it.
