How Creativity Can be Enhanced by Machines

Of course for centuries, creative endeavors have had a renewal every time a new technique appeared. Now with the advent of Artificial Intelligence and machines, artists have another transforming way to be creative. The excellent article ‘The Coming Creativity Explosion Belongs to the Machines‘ gives a broad overview.

In a process similar to that followed by a human artist or scientist, a creative machine begins its work by framing a problem. Next, its software specifies the requirements the solution should have before generating “answers” in the form of original designs, patterns, or some other form of output. Although the notion of machine creativity sounds a bit like science fiction, the basic concept is one that has been slowly developing for decades.

This evolution of course may be found threatening by some. In reality we need to get accustomed to the potential for this support to our work and find ways to deploy machine creativity for our benefit. We need to learn how to harness the power of those machines. I can’t wait to see what will come out of those new creativity techniques!

I suspect the real world-changing application of machine creativity will be in the realm of everyday problem solving, or Little C. The mainstream emergence of powerful problem-solving tools will help people create abundance where there was once scarcity.
