How Having a Real Lunch Break Is Important

Following up from the previous post ‘How Breaks Are Essential for Personal Productivity‘, what about the lunch break? How important is it for productivity? Here again Daniel Pink’s book ‘When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing‘ comes to the rescue.

When I travel to the UK or the US I am always amazed how people take their lunch snack at their desk, almost not even standing up. Thus the lunch time is kept to a minimum and they can leave work earlier. In France and many other countries, a true lunch break is an essential part of the day and it is important to go somewhere out of the office to have a real meal.

According to Daniel Pink, having a good lunch break is essential for overall effectiveness. “Not just any lunch will do, however. The most powerful lunch breaks have two key ingredients — autonomy and detachment.” Therefore, it is important to be able to disconnect from work sufficiently.

Taking the time to have a real lunch break is thus confirmed as a good practice; this has consequences on employers’ policies as well: since a proper lunch break is correlated with improved effectiveness, why hesitate?
