How Grit Is An Essential Ingredient for Success

Angela Duckworth’s book ‘Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance‘ describes how grit is an essential ingredient for success.

Many of the people I talked to could also recount tales of rising stars who, to everyone’s surprise, dropped out or lost interest before they could realize their potential. Apparently, it was critically important— and not at all easy— to keep going after failure: “Some people are great when things are going well, but they fall apart when things aren’t.””

I increasingly observe that what makes a difference is not so much how we respond when successful, but rather how we respond under failure. Do we show determination and flexibility, or do we just become disheartened and stop making efforts?

Responding, rather than reacting, when we face failure, and making sure we learn our lessons and bounce back – that’s probably an essential element that distinguishes successful from less successful people. How do you fare under failure?
