How to Practice at Our Edge to Progress More Quickly

Following up on our previous post ‘How We Need to Dose Our Self-Transformation Effort‘, I like this post of Leo Babauta ‘The Rule of the Edge‘. It is quite simple actually: “practice at your edge most of the time“. “And this rule is what will help you grow the most, over time“.

The idea is to stay just on the edge, but not more: “Your edge isn’t pushing yourself until you’re ready to collapse. It’s not pushing to injury, pushing so that you can’t practice tomorrow. It’s not studying all day long until your brain has melted. It’s going to the edge, not diving off it.”

What I like in Leo Babuta’s approach (and I encourage reading the full post) that what is proposed is to accept that it is not possible to be at one’s edge all the time. We need to be mindful about our body and mind, and accept that we need some rest from time to time.

What’s amazing of course is to see how our edge shifts over time when we are practicing at the edge often!
