How to Simply Understand Machine Learning

I love this simple introduction to machine learning described in ‘Taking Stealing To The Next Level: Baseball And Machine Learning‘ and the YouTube video ‘I used machine learning to hack baseball‘. In a simple mundane context (secret signals players exchange during baseball games), the power of machine learning is demonstrated in a very simple educational manner. I encourage you to watch!

Even myself having no clue about baseball and discovering there are secret signs exchanged during the game managed to understand the AI approach to this problem, so don’t fear if you know nothing about this game.

One interesting point here is of course that AI can be applied to many interesting problems in our daily lives to give us breakthrough insights into many aspects that repeat sufficiently to provide a sufficiently broad set of data points. However as the example shows, AI will provide reasonable answers even after a reasonable sample.

We are probably just starting to identify all the mundane applications that AI could have!
