How Connections is Far More Important Than Likes

Valeria Maltoni reminds us in her post ‘There’s no ROI in Likes. The ROI is in Connection‘ that connections are quite more important than social network likes. It’s worth reminding ourselves from time to time!

You don’t get connection from status. You get it by enlivening each other other, making people stronger through engagement. Status may give you self-esteem, but alone it does not create change

The post is quite interesting to read as it recounts an actual experiment performed on a social network (LinkedIn).

Indeed change depends on strong connections. Social capital accrues in actual physical networks. Think about how often you have transformed virtual connections to physical connections (in my case, not impossible but quite rare). And the value that can be created by a physical face-to-face in terms of possibilities.

Let’s do more physical connections and less likes!
