How to Make Commercial Departments More Creative

Following our post ‘How Commercial Is One of the Most Creative Activities‘, let us dwell a little bit into the organization of most commercial departments – and how these organizations seem to be designed to stifle creativity rather than fostering it.

Boring PresentationI am always amazed at how many commercial departments are run in a very bureaucratic manner, with a focus on compliance to procedures, requirements to report continuously and long-winded PowerPoint presentations even on the topic of marketing efforts or even on the status of negotiation with some prospects.

Of course, compliance is needed to make sure that certain limits are not exceeded; reporting and creating databases of commercial efforts is useful. But there needs to be space for creativity and I can’t find it in a number of commercial departments. Clever solutions need to be found to create the most compelling (and competitive) offer. This requires time to think and experiment; time to brainstorm and produce quality work (note – quality work is generally in the form of a text document, not of a set of slides). Where is that space for creativity?

Create a formal space for creativity in your commercial department and ensure for your organization a definite competitive advantage! And for my sake, reduce your addiction on PowerPoint slides: get to the work of creating real documents that will force you to put your ideas in order!
