How Crisis Moments in Our Life Define Ourselves

I am always amazed at how moderately or acute crisis situations define our lives and define ourselves. Our life is but a succession of relatively quiet and stable moment with transitions or difficult situations in between. It is actually quite similar to nature’s behavior where short, catastrophic events shape the world, which otherwise is relatively quiet and stable (and denotes that we live in a complex system).

crisis definitionCrisis and difficult situations define ourselves by the way we respond to them. Those key moments are turning points defining our future life and therefore in many aspects our future selves.

And there is no way we can escape from these turning points. We can try to keep the stable moments we crave as long as possible, but life is such that at some point, disaster or other types of crisis will strike.

Like we can find out true self by identifying what we dislike in others, we shape our true identity by the way we respond to crisis situations.

Faced with a crisis, a profound change in your life conditions, the way we respond reveal and shapes what we are. Crisis moments are not nice, they are a necessary evil we can’t avoid. We can just respond the way we want to be. We can, and we must shape our response, even when the world seems to be crumbling around us.
