How Fast Our Worldview Can Change

One thing I found interesting with the Covid-19 crisis is how quick our worldview can change. I got caught too: one day it seemed quite ludicrous to envisage that we would be submitted to confinement (and the economic consequences of such a decision), and less than one week later it was the most sensible thing to do.

This crisis is not anything that we as humankind should not know how to manage: there have been many before, and there will be many in the future too. Lessons learnt and practices are available. Models of contamination exist. Quarantine as a concept is quite old. For example, in 1918 there were already instructions about how to make individual masks, like today.

And we got caught because we don’t have the individual memory of such an event. The collective memory was not sufficient.

Still we collectively managed to change our worldview, our way of living and working, often in less than a week. And after some adjustment, most of us live through this crisis in a reasonable manner.

We thus seem to remain quite adaptable, individually and collectively, when circumstances so require. And quite fast too. That’s rather good news in the face of the increasing volatile world we will be facing in the next decades.
