The 21st century enlightenment – the Fourth Revolution in action

Have a look at this very good video on the 21st century enlightenment by RSA. The approach is very much aligned with the Fourth Revolution concept and approach.

It is also a very interesting view point on the need for an empathic civilization and what are the institutions that are needed beyond the Fourth Revolution.

The video shows very clearly the limits of many values and assumptions of the Industrial Age. Beyond materialistic possessions, what makes us really happy? Are our Industrial Age quests for progress, justice and freedom really what we need?

The video finishes on this quote from Margaret Mead: “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead lived before internet and cheap long distance interactive communication. Today, a small group of people can assemble beyond the oceans and the continents in the virtual world. More than ever before, thoughtful people can get together. And change the world.

When do you start a group of thoughtful people?


The organization Revolution – the part 5 of the Manifesto is online!

Organizations – the core value producing institutions of the Industrial Age – will be fundamentally transformed. They will become OPEN and FLUID. Discover the new philosophy of organizations and how it will transform the world in part 5 of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto!

Fourth Revolution Manifesto part V cover

You can access the fourth part of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – the ORGANIZATION REVOLUTION by clicking on the link. You can also read and share the document on Scribd – it has a great reader and can also be used as a backup if the above link does not work: the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – part V on Scribd .

Don’t hesitate to comment and bring in suggestions in the comments to this blog post!

Can’t wait to see the follow-up?

The next Part of the Fourth Revolution manifesto will be published around February 13.

We’ll dive deep into the consequences of the Fourth Revolution in institutions like government, education and intellectual property – the Institutions Revolution!


The website and blog hosting has been upgraded

Dear all,

Last week the Fourth Revolution website and blog has suffered some severe access problems for part of the world.
We have now moved the website and blog to a different hosting solution.
Everything should be back to normal, except that comments and “like” buttons clicks from last week will have been lost as the blog has been reset with the backup done on Friday January 21.

The new hosting solution should be more reliable and more professional.

Because the site has moved its address it might take some time for you to see it and you might have to reboot your computer.

We regret the inconvenience, if you have commented last week could you please resend your comments.

Any further issue please contact



The Fourth Revolution Blog on the organization revolution – retrospective

This is the week of the Organization Revolution. The Fourth Revolution Manifesto on the Organization Revolution will be published this week-end.

For those of you who might have missed earlier blogs, here are some links about organizations and the Fourth Revolution. May they inspire you to act today to help your organizations transform!

The organization needs to open itself

How can an organization mobilize the power of the ‘long tail’?

Management’s will to control everything needs to stop

A Revolution in organization management legitimacy

Why organizations don’t implement virtual social networks

Social networks is the foundation of organization’s value creation

The organization’s social network needs to become open to the outside

The organization tomorrow will be more compact. It will be open. It will be fluid. Are you ready?


Harnessing the collective genius of the organization

The person who figures out how to harness the collective genius of his or her organization is going to blow the competition away“. ~ Walter Wriston, banker, former Chairman of Citicorp.

That’s exactly what the Fourth Revolution will do: release the collective genius of the organization, and of the world beyond. It is the inevitable direction of history.

When will your organization start harnessing the collective genius of its employees? Open up, and harness the collective genius of the world? Become fluid, and become a turbulent cradle of great innovations?

Such is the power of the collective genius, of the collaborative network, that it will crush any organization who stays rigid, hierarchical and closed.

So, you’d better start doing it before your competitors. Become an open, fluid and collaborative organization. It is not just a temporary fad. It is a necessity.

Why don’t you start today? And blow your competition away?


Goldcorp story: creating incredible value by publishing the most secret data of the company

How a mining company created huge value by publishing the most secret data a mining company can hold: all the geological data of the mine.

The story is now classical and counted in most books on the new collaboration tools. But it is worthwhile mentioning it and the deep lessons it holds.

Goldcorp was struggling. Its mine in Canada was loosing money, prospects were dim. Hope of finding new gold was there, geological investigations ongoing, but nobody was sure where to drill. Geologists did not agree. A long and costly additional geological investigation program was yet to come.
The CEO did not come from the mining industry. Attending a seminar in a business school, he had the following idea: and what if I was putting all the geological data public and launch a worldwide contest to advise where to find the gold?

That’s a hell of an unconventional idea in the natural resources industry: geological data is the core of the value of the company. It is the most secret of secrets.
Still the CEO went ahead, against all oppositions. All the available geological data of the mine was put on the web – more than 400 Megabyte of it. People from various industries responded to the contest, coming up with incredibly innovative ideas, new 3D visualization tools. Some of these ideas even led to new ventures. Although the winners were compensated with some money, the main value for them was the exposure and the publicity which allowed them to pursue their own projects and ventures.

They allowed the company to save millions of dollars of geological work and indeed led GoldCorp to find new deposits of gold and ultimately become one of the wealthiest gold mining companies in the industry. The CEO was sitting on a gold mine!

What are the deep lessons of this story?

Value in the Industrial Age was often based on holding to intellectual property and other proprietary knowledge, and keeping it secret.
In contrast, value in the Collaborative Age is making this knowledge public and motivating the world to enhance and transform it for the benefit of the organization.
It is not just publishing proprietary knowledge – that’s easy. It is making sure that a network of followers is deeply motivated to crunch it, transform it, experiment with it, and create something awesome. That’s the hard part. That’s the differentiator.

Creating the network of followers is key. It involves giving away to receive later. It requires a compelling purpose that motivates the followers. It is a long term endeavor.

When do you start creating the network of followers for your company?


Part 4 of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto is now online!

Today, in our daily life, there are already precursors of the Fourth Revolution that transform deeply our world. Things that don’t fit with the conventional world-view of the Industrial Age. Find out more about FOUR PRECURSORS of the FOURTH REVOLUTION you meet everyday in your life.

Fourth Revolution Manifesto part IV cover

You can access the fourth part of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – FOUR PRECURSORS of the FOURTH REVOLUTION by clicking on the link. You can also read and share the document on Scribd – it has a great reader and can also be used as a backup if the above link does not work: the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – part IV on Scribd .

Don’t hesitate to comment and bring in suggestions in the comments to this blog post!

Can’t wait to see the follow-up? Next week we’ll dive deep into the consequences of the Fourth Revolution in the organizations – the Organization Revolution!


How our perception of our environment shifted in the 1960's

In the 1960’s for the first time ever, we took pictures of Earth from space. From space!…

The Earth appeared to all eyes like a fragile, small, blue sphere teaming with life in the middle of inhospitable space.
fragile earth

The mindset shift which followed cannot be underestimated.

At the same period there started to be significant pollution scandals, observation of severe health effects of industrial activities, and large scale environmental disruptions. But no event touched humankind globally like these pictures.

For all of previous mankind history, nature was to be exploited. Humankind exploitation capabilities increased dramatically with each Revolution. The Industrial Age was able to lead to global changes in the Earth atmosphere with long term consequences.

Now, for the first time, nature had to be protected. For the sake of Humankind. For this small blue ball in the middle of the void, this miraculous sparkle of life.

This mindset shift is in opposition to Industrial Age mindset and to the mindset of all previous Ages.

It is a true precursor of the Fourth Revolution.


Contraception – a new freedom factor – another precursor of the Fourth Revolution

When cheap, reliable contraception appeared in the 1960’s it was a social transformation. For the first time ever women could choose whether and when to have children.

Social shifts were deep. While they are still not entirely widespread when it comes to equal opportunity between genders, a long way has already been done towards it.

Half of humankind got an unprecedented freedom to decide on their life.

The next generation got an unprecedented opportunity: to be mostly desired children.

Each Humankind Revolution increases the freedom and availability of an increasing proportion of the population.

Since the 1960’s, the freedom and availability of half of humankind got liberated.

That’s another deep precursor of the Fourth Revolution.


When you buy a manufactured item, you buy more and more intellectual work

A manufactured widget today has much more brain content than ever before.

Armies of engineers, designers, market specialists are engineering, designing, optimizing, marketing it.

Manufactured widgets do not come any more as a standard commodity. They have to be different. They have to be unique. They have to have options and be customizable.

It takes today 15 years and billions of dollars of intellectual work to design a new aircraft type, and hundreds need to be sold to get the money of its design back.
Airbus 380

Fifty years ago it took a few million dollars, a handful of engineers and two years. A few dozen of models sold, and that was enough to ensure fortune for the manufacturing company.

The same trend is at work in the automotive industry. Developing a new car type takes billions of dollars of intellectual work.

So, even standard manufactured widgets contain a lot more intellectual work than a few decades ago.

Not only manufacturing industries loose weight compared to the services industry, but even within them, the shift has occurred. When you buy a car, a large chunk of its price is to pay for intellectual work. Not for extracting and refining the raw material, or manufacturing the car. For pure intellectual work.

The Fourth Revolution is already at work in the economy.


Part 3 of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto is on line !

The collective cognitive capability of humankind is once again deeply transformed by a new, ground breaking communication technology. Find out HOW cheap, long distance interactive communication transforms our collective cognitive capabilities!

Fourth Revolution Manifesto part III cover

You can access the third part of the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – HOW the collective cognitive capability of humankind is once again transformed! by clicking on the link. You can also read and share the document on Scribd – it has a great reader and can also be used as a backup if the above link does not work: the Fourth Revolution Manifesto – part III on Scribd .

Don’t hesitate to comment and bring in suggestions in the comments to this blog post!
