A revolution means a new Elite

A Revolution means a new Elite will emerge. The old Elite will disappear or be confined to representation tasks (see for example, the royalty !).

The Elite of the Industrial Age is the merchant, the capitalist owning machines.

The new Elite will be the nomadic K.E.E.N. The Knowledge Exchanging Expanding Networker.

Are you ready to be part of the new Elite that will move the world?


Unprecedented long distance collaboration

Long distance collaboration is new.

social network

It is new because the technology that makes it cheap and available everywhere is new

30 years ago it cost a fortune to make a long distance call.

Today it costs nothing. I can stay on Skype with the video on for hours in a row with my family 10,000 kilometers away

That’s a true Revolution. We can’t even imagine the consequences

Do you still think about the bill when you call long distance ?


Specialization and trade

From Age to Age, from Revolution to Revolution, specialization has increased.

Hunter-gatherers were mainly specialized between men (hunters) and women (gatherers and children-raisers)

In the Agricultural Age, priests, soldiers and specialist artisans were the specialists that did not produce their food.

In the Industrial Age, a multitude of specialist trades developed that did not produce their food and only contributed a small part of the production process.

Specialization cannot develop without trade. Specialists spend their time on their specialty and cannot get what they need to live without trade. Specialists need trade to develop to exchange their production and get what they don’t produce.

Beyond the Fourth Revolution, specialization will further increase. Even maybe to the point where each individual will be recognized as an individual specialist in it’s own self. In any case trade will also necessarily further increase.
