Why Being a True Artist Requires Being a Sales Person As Well

If you are a creator or artist, marketing and selling is as important as creating. The artist that only concentrates on his art does not contribute to the world, because the world does not know what he does!

salesmanArt, without distribution and discovery, moves nobody. Did it ever exist? […]Will it make an impact? […]  Thought, if not written down and shared with others, changes nothing. Does it matter? ” writes Scott Belsky in ‘Make Your Mark: The Creative’s Guide to Building a Business with Impact‘.

He continues: “Creation must be made accessible for consumption. This is your real job. Execution, distribution, packaging, marketing, messaging, strategy, leadership…

This is a real challenge for many creators in many fields (this includes artists, scientists, writers, entrepreneurs, etc.). Sometimes the best solution is to work as a team, with one focusing on creation and the other on creating and selling.

But the main lesson remains: creating the most beautiful, earth shaking idea is worthless if you don’t sell it to the world. Don’t believe in hidden genius anymore. Genius includes communicating to the world.
