Why Antagonism Will Kill Any Attempt at Influencing

You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time” wrote John Knox long ago. The art of influencing requires the right approach to the person you wish to influence, or you run the risk of rejection.

influencing antagonismI observe often that antagonism is a clear major impediment to influence; and it can predate the influencing attempt, or even be based on the reputation of the influencer. Too often however, people try to influence in spite of a pre-existing antagonism.

There is no way you can manage to influence someone if there is any possibility of antagonism. Either you need to delegate to someone else, or you need to find a way to be seen positively by the person you want to influence.

This in turn requires establishing and nurturing a connection, and developing trust.

Don’t waste your energy trying to influence someone that might see you as an antagonist. Find another way!
