Why Team Commitment is Better than Any Plan

The team’s commitment to the plan is key to the successful execution of the plan” writes Clinton Padgett in ‘The Project Success Method‘.

team workI’d like to go beyond this – a commitment team is better than any plan, because the plan will change during execution, of course.

How do we achieve this level of commitment in particular in projects? I have always defended the need to have a series of workshops at the beginning of a project, with the project core team. Not for just having a chat – working together to design an execution plan is the best teambuilding I know. As Clinton Padgett also mentions, “Teamwork builds the team. Fortunately, the processes of defining and planning the project, which take place in the earliest phase of The Project Success Method, are excellent vehicles for team building.” And I can’t agree more.

Do the plan, but do it together. That is more important than the plan itself!
