How To Keep Enough Seeds When Harvesting the Benefits of Our Ventures

Following on our previous post ‘How it is Important to Always Sow Seeds Rather Than Seek to Reap‘, let’s remember as well that farmers from ancestral times know that after a harvest it is essential to keep enough seeds for sowing the following year (otherwise famine threatens!).

Similarly when eventually we are reaping the benefits from some enterprise, it is essential to keep some of that benefit aside to be able to sow again for the next cycle. That is something that some entrepreneurs and managers sometimes forget.

This requires some discipline. For example it is possible to determine a fixed ratio of reinvestment, or pre-agree on some new projects. In any case it is essential not to spend that resource on anything else than creating new seeds for the future.

Be wise. Always set aside enough for the next crop. And reinvest by sowing numerous seeds.
