How People Are Increasingly Shunning Traditional Information Media

In this important post ‘News Rejection is Mostly Media’s Fault‘, Frederic Filloux investigates the possible reasons why the public’s confidence in traditional media has dramatically eroded in the past years. This effect is observed in all democratic countries, in a more or less dramatic manner.

It is a reality that more people are avoiding traditional media outlet and prefer to refer to social networks, which is a root cause for misinformation. It even facilitates active campaigns of dis-information or even manipulation with the objective to destabilize democracies.

Frederic Filloux’s view is that it is mainly the own fault of the media outlets that are presenting news, according to him, in a much too dramatic and negative manner, and in an over-simplistic manner. He also identifies a growing disconnect between people’s preoccupations and the topics covered in media.

There has always been a lack of trust between part of the population and institutions (mass media being viewed as an institution, traditionally possibly manipulated by tycoons and/or the political power). It is the extent of that lack of trust which is problematic, how it evolves, and how the trend is being exploited by destabilization efforts.

Mass media is still looking for its Collaborative Age business model, and how to check and disseminate information on new channels. There is a risk of a split between professional journalism and reliable news that would only be affordable to part of the population, hence creating a split in the worldview that would be difficult to bridge.

Yes, mass media needs to change its way of working, and soon, to adapt to the new world. A new model needs to be found that combines economic sustainability with proper recognition by an ever-more expecting population. Many experiments are ongoing, let’s hope the right model will be found soon!
