I’ve left the Industrial Age and jumped into the Collaborative Age. Right now!

I just resigned.

going for it!
going for it!

I quit my cosy position as an executive in a large international organization to go down the path of the Fourth Revolution entrepreneur.

In my book I have described how the Fourth Revolution K.E.E.Ns (Knowledge Exchanging Enhancing Networkers) drive their career by being more of free agents than conventional Industrial Age employees of a Corporation. That they drive their career, moving from project to project, over the world.

Although I am involved on a day-to-day basis with project management, my professional life was not just quite according to this model. Now, I just did jump into it. I just completed my transformation.

Yes, that’s right, I am leaving the comfortable corporate world for the adventure of the entrepreneur. I have incorporated Fourth Revolution Private Limited as a company in Singapore. Fourth Revolution Pte Ltd will be the vehicle for my publishing, speaking and entrepreneurial activities.

My first entrepreneurial venture will be in a company setup with some partners, that we have called Project Value Delivery Pte Ltd (see Project Value Delivery Pte Ltd website here), a consulting company to support organizations in setting up and executing projects, and in particular, large infrastructure projects. I hope ultimately to help organizations become effectively the open, fluid organizations of the Collaborative Age, learn firsthand the obstacles on that road, and the solutions to overcome them. And see the organizations we will support unleash the unprecedented Fourth Revolution value, at the same time developing irresistible competitive advantage, and changing the world!

I’m both scared and excited by the prospects and the infinite potential of the future.

Follow me on my blog in the next few months as I go through this transformation from the conventional corporate executive to the Fourth Revolution entrepreneur! I’ll start this new life early 2012!
