Practice feedforward

Do you know what feedforward is?

It has been invented by Marshall Goldsmith, a well-known coach we’ve encountered already in this blog (if you haven’t already, read “avoiding no, but, however – and change your life”).

It is very powerful. And simple. Feedforward is the contrary to feedback. Instead of looking backwards in the past to uncover what could have been done better, feedforward is used to look into the future and give advice and opinion about how to make something work well.

Feedforward works very well at the beginning of a project, or with someone you don’t know. Explain the project, the intent. Ask the person to give a feedforward, an advice of what to do / how to make it successful / how to improve. Listen intently. And don’t debate. Just note and say thank you.

You would not believe how powerful feedforward can be. Try it this week at the first occasion!
