We can’t change against our identity. Change your identity first!

We can change. We should change. But we can’t change against our identity.

We can’t change against this identity which we have developed, voluntarily or involuntarily, over the years.

Looking at one's identity
Looking at one's identity

This identity, which currently defines ourselves in society. This identity, which we like or not, which sticks to us.

It is extremely hard to try to change against our identity. The effort is tremendous, because we not only fight against ourselves, we fight against our environment, which does not understand why suddenly we take actions that do not fit with our identity.

For successful, profound changes; for easier deep change, there is only one solution. Change your identity first. Change that reflection of yourself. Step out of the conventional identity associated with your career, evolve and create your new identity.

Then, only, change.

How can you do that? There is an extreme solution: travel 10,000km away in the middle of people who don’t know you, or engage yourself in the Foreign Legion, and create a new identity. That’s a bit extreme and time consuming. A softer solution is to start progressively shaping a new identity by engaging in some less conventional practices, and evolving the type of people you mingle with.

We all crave for change but not a lot of us succeed. Start by modifying your identity to prepare for your fundamental change. When do you start?
