Every business should leverage an online presence, even small stores!

Not only services providers are now fully interconnected online today: every business – even those that consider themselves local, brick-and-mortar – should now consider that its clients are also online!

Example: the other day I was looking for a basic printing/copy shop around my place, for high volume,  2-sided printing when I need. Ideally I want to be able to send the files by email and then go to get the print-out. Impossible to find on internet; I had to walk around and discover one by myself. It would have been much easier if they had had an internet presence, and they would probably have much more clients over the entire town (I discovered that they can even deliver to your footstep as part of their standard services!)

online shopping in action
online shopping in action

In this brilliant post “Where the customers are“, Mitch Joel argues that even businesses that see themselves primarily as brick and mortar businesses should not underestimate the power of leveraging internet to develop their brands and their sales. And that in fact, in an ever more connected world, it becomes more and more important to have a presence online and connect with potential customers that might be miles away.

It might leverage your business or just increase your brand visibility. In any case it is necessary in a world where in particular the young generations are highly connected to internet and it is where they will look for what they need.

Moreover, every business, whatever its size, should leverage the value of creating a community around its offer, thus leveraging the value of ideas and suggestions from its supporters and followers. Even the small mom-and-pop store!

What do you think? Is that feasible and worthwhile for all businesses?
