100,000 people are ‘online game laborers’ today, and growing!

The Fourth Revolution also creates revenue opportunities for the citizens of emerging countries in more surprising ways than being service providers for commodity services that still require creativity and intellectual initiative.

game parlor in China
A game parlor in China

According to a World Bank report, the market of gaming-for-hire, where people get hired to play games and earn rewards or virtual money on behalf of richer players living in developed countries, was worth… 3 billion $ in 2009. In China and India alone, more than 100,000 “game laborers” would be playing day-in, day-out to be able to earn precious tokens, levels and virtual treasures to resell them to richer players that don’t want or cannot put in the time!

And a definite market for “microwork” develops where people implement simple tasks like tagging pictures, removing double pages at Amazon, and get paid a few cents per task, . More on microwork in this interesting article from the Economist on “Jobs of the Future”.

These are not necessarily jobs people would dream of, but they start to provide, and will provide more an more livelihood to developed countries.

Who doubted the Fourth Revolution was not happening?
