I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become

This quote from Carl Jung is powerful. And so true.

creating your own way image
Create your own way!

Our personal responsibility is immense to decide on what we focus on, what we do, what we choose. Most of us choose to let ourselves being carried away by the events of life.

We are not our past. We have to choose our future and this is not determined by our past.

It is our personal responsibility to become what we want and we should not shy away from it.

This personal responsibility is scary. It is challenging. Yet it is what makes us human beings.

With the Fourth Revolution, more people than ever before have more choices. Yet we are not educated, supported in making these choices: in the Industrial Age, somebody else was doing these choices for you.

The Fourth Revolution is the time and the opportunity for you to make a choice. To choose what you want to become. Not how you would like the world to see you: what you really want to be for yourself.

It is not anymore a lonely quest. Connect with the world and become what you choose to be. It is pressing. Start today. Because if you don’t make that choice, you will let the world pass on and disappear in insignificance.

Do it. For yourself. For the world.

