Large companies adopt successfully internal social media. What are the others waiting for?

In this blog, we’ve argued that companies ought to adopt social media to release the creativity of their organization. That it is difficult (see for example “why organizations don’t implement virtual social networks“) but companies that will succeed in this transformation will reap fantastic results.

BASF success story in adopting social media
BASF success story in adopting social media

There start to be numerous stories of large companies being very successful at engaging their employees into internal social networks. Dion Hinchcliffe is writing a series of short case studies: see the case studies for BASF, Yum! brands, Alcatel-Lucent, Cemex. You’ll note it is not just companies at the cutting edge of IT technology but real brick-and-mortar companies. In each case, after due preparation, the engagement of employees has been noticeable. These companies are still to experience fully employee’s self-organization and initiative, but they are becoming close. How will they react when employees will take significant initiatives? Time will tell. For sure, they are well in advance compared to others and that should give them a significant competitive advantage.

And what’s the status in your company? Have you already setup and spread your internal social network? What are you waiting for?

