Why you can’t achieve your dreams alone, especially if they really matter

I went to a series of entrepreneur workshops and, again, and again, the same recommendation came from of the experienced entrepreneurs: don’t follow your dreams alone, focus on getting a team!

This is the single main distinction between successful endeavors and sad failures: the team, the quality of the team and of the support it offers.

Only with the help of the team can you catch the ball!
Only with the help of the team can you catch the ball!

It might not need to be a team in your company; it can be a team of advisors, mentors, but it is vital to get a team around you to support, encourage, test new ideas…

It certainly need to include your close family.

Plain summary: it is vital to have a team around you to help you take off and catch the ball that you were looking to catch! Alone you won’t be able to do it, you’ll just be stuck to the ground.

And it is not just the case as an entrepreneur. It is the same when you are just pursuing your passion, your purpose.

The more your purpose really matters, the more your own resistance and the world’s resistance will act to suffocate it before it becomes too big. You need a team to help you in this quest. You won’t fight the world alone.

Pam Slim made the point very well on her blog post, your resistance to ask for help is drowning your dreams! Of course it is just one of the tricks of Resistance to impede us to do the real work.

I love Pam’s conclusion:

“If your dreams have meaning, if they are significant and challenging and worth it, chances are, you can’t accomplish them alone.”

Yep. So where’s your team?
